What is ECO PowerPill?

ECO POWER SOLE is an engine protection product that is not an additive fluid, but a supplement that is completely dissolved in the fuel tank of any automobile and combines it with fuel (gasoline or gasoline) and changes its molecular structure. The modified fuel is pulled out of the tank and into the fuel system and vehicle engine. Liquid additives usually affect the engine directly. But eco-power is directly affecting fuel, and its impact on the engine is only indirect. Gasoline and diesel fuel changed after the use of EcoPower has been fully tested by international laboratories, which complies with the EU’s most stringent EU legislation on fuels and damages any damage to the engine by eco-power pylons. Makes it impossible. The process of combining with fuel while still in the tank enables the performance of the active ECO power elements to maximize its impact and prevent damage.

How does it work?

Conventional fuel contains light, medium and heavy-duty molecules. EcoPower tablet helps burn more molecules to boost combustion and improve performance.

When the modified fuel enters the engine, one of the main active compounds of the tablet burns up fuel at a higher temperature in the combustion chamber compared to the absence of the effect of the pill, which reduces the impurities remaining on the combustion process. This results in a cleaner engine with better performance with engine dc De-carbonation. By cleaning and lubricating the main engine parts, such as piles, valves, pistons and injectors, other active compounds can affect more than one additive.

Why should you buy it?

No fuel (even fossil fuels and octane) are completely clean and, over time, leave unburned particles in the engine that result from the combustion process. Ultimately, this accumulation of wastes, which is mostly carbon, may cause the engine to cause false combustion or malfunction in other ways, which affects its stability and optimal performance. Instead, it affects overall engine performance negatively, including increased emissions, reduced engine power, engine shaking, reduced engine lifetime, increased fuel consumption, and repair costs. Eco PowerPC is an economical, simple, and reliable way to help solve those problems.

Standards and Tests

The ECO Power Pill has been tested by many, and its main properties are confirmed by NTL, a highly advanced and independent European laboratory that specializes in testing fuel and fuel. NTL also confirmed that fuels that are modified by adding eco-power are in line with the EU’s fuel regulations. Recently, this product has been approved by the International Inspection Agency (SGS). It also means that no possible damage can be brought to the engine using regular doses and according to the instructions, because it completely dissolves in fuel and does not leave any waste. The fuel changed by the International Inspection Agency (SGS) and tested by NTL to comply with the EU’s strictest EU fuel standards, making it impossible to damage the pill.

The effect of eco-power on motors and fuel was also tested by TUV-SUD, which showed no evidence of damage to the engine. The tests were performed on a roughly new motor vehicle that was opened and repaired for two weeks before the tests, so it was de-carbonized, however, it showed a significant reduction in carbon emissions, on the basis of which the positive effects of the pills on self-fueling Explain

We are environmentalists

Tests performed by TUV-SUD and NTL (European laboratories with expertise in fuels, etc.), all over the world, confirm that eco-power panels significantly reduce carbon emissions, pollutants and engine exhaust gases. Which improves air quality, especially in urban areas, traffic jams and urban areas.

Background information on ECO PowerPoint packaging

ECO Power Cleaners (as well as other supplementary pills) should be kept dry and should not be exposed to sunlight.

When the pills are removed from the package, usually the package is not suitable and does not close properly, so the pills are exposed to moisture and also react to the UV rays. The problem is that the product is nearly out of work and shows almost no result!

So placement of tablets in transparent bags (such as products marketed in the European and American products market is practically ineffective), and putting them out is wrong. It does not take care to keep pills unwell.

The ECO PowerPoint’s goal is to provide the highest possible quality in chemicals, and to build this high quality throughout the cycle, so our bags feature a certain structure and technology.

They consist of three layers:

Aluminum (to keep moisture out)

Plastic (for double stability)

UV protection layer (to protect ECO fuel cells)

Each bag is checked alone and sealed when leaving the factory.

To get the most out of eco-power, customers must always ensure that they have removed the air from the bag and close the capsules over the package after they have been taken out of the bag.

The bubble packaging and glassware that other companies offer are subject to the following problems:

Because of the high humidity in some countries, the pill may absorb moisture, and in addition, the UV-ray can be rejected from the glass bubble and glassware because there is no layer of protection against UV, which in tropical countries With high sunlight it can be a double risk.

Finally, the packaging we have produced and now we use for eco-power, we have the best performance for all our needs.

We hope we have been able to help you with this packaging information.

Yours sincerely

Team ECO power Pill – Dansa

Instructions for using eco-power panels


For zero and normal cars:

Before filling the bucket, pour a pill in every 60 liters of fuel, diesel or gasoline; if necessary, you can use a gas nozzle to throw the pill into a bucket; cars that need more power can have one and five tenths of pills Or more and use the same pill scale per liter. Each tablet affects 60 liters, so it affects half the 30-liter pill.  Which, if split again into two parts (it does not need to be exact), affects about 15 liters, so even motorcycles can use the pill and take advantage of it.

For older vehicles and carbon-powered engines:

For older engines and carbonated engines, we recommend that you use a few eco-power packs at the beginning of the process, when a pill is used for 40 liters of gasoline for de-carbonization, clean it and Lubricate the engine. After that, a pill can be used to upgrade 60 liters of fuel. In Europe, in principle, 10 to 20 pills are sufficient, but in some countries, where fuel quality is low, there may be more need. For example, in the Philippines, we found that 30 to 40 pills are required (for example, diesel stations) to completely clean up the engine and see the results.

For tightly carbonized trucks and buses, we recommend starting with a pill for every 30 liters of fuel, then 1 tablet for every 40 liters of fuel is enough for the time you are in the process of dc De-carbonation and purification. Around 90 to 120 pills are needed to make you feel realistic because trucks and buses are used between 30 liters per 100 kilometers and the carbon layer is very thick. Once the cleaning process is completed, a pill for 60 liters of fuel is enough.

What you should not do:

  1. Never expose the pills to sunlight or moisture. After opening the package, make sure the pills are all inside the pack and close the door firmly of the cape zipper.
  2. Never expect results after one or two pills. For light cars, at least 40-60 tablets are needed to see the result and the gradual impact on the engine. Laboratories have also proved non-damage to the engine. Other results from decalcification should also be revealed using 100-120 tablets. Trucks and other heavy vehicles require more pills to reveal their effects.
  3. Do not stop using the pill after being satisfied with the result of the motor dc carbonization. If you want to keep your vehicle’s vehicle in proper condition and function, continue to use the pill after De-carbonation.